
Rev. C. Christopher Green


Before moving to the Upper Valley of New Hampshire at the end of 2020, Chris and his family spent the previous decade as a missionary church planters in the Netherlands. He now serves as our pastor. Chris is fascinated with the spiritual dynamics of renewal and with exploring what that looks like in the post-Christian, humanistic context of New England.

Chris and his wife, Rebecca, met at Northpoint Bible College where they both earned B.A.'s in Biblical Studies. They have three boys: Charlie, Oliver, and Henri.

Staff, ICC, Officers & Trustees

Pastor:  Rev. C. Christopher Green
Church secretary: Carol Edwards
Communications:  Carol Edwards, Marjorie Rose , Mark Hardy
Etna Facilities support:  Ken and Norma Pelton
Bookkeeper: Steve Schuchman
Choir Director: Rev. C. Christopher Green
Pianist accompaniment:  Kay Hillinger, Carol Edwards

Inter-Church Council
The Inter Church Council covers all joint church operations and issues. Inter Church Council meeting minutes can be read here.
Chairman: Marjorie Rose
Harold Frost
Elaine Hawthorne
Dina Cutting
Ellie Fullington
Becky Luce
Susan Johnson
Becky LaHaye
Mark Hardy
Laurie Wadsworth
First Congregational Church of Hanover in Hanover Center

Church Officers:
Moderator: Dina Cutting
Clerk: Torey Elder
Co-treasurers:  Dina Cutting & Jane Rice

Harold Frost
Frank Cutting
Glenn Elder

Heidi Hoskin
Garlan Hoskin
Ellie Fullington
Elaine Hawthorne

First Baptist Church of Hanover in Etna

Church Officers:
President: Eric Wadsworth
Vice President: Doug Irwin
Clerk: Carol Edwards
Treasurer: Skip Stanger      
Ass’t Treasurer: Steve Schuchman

John LaHaye
John Wilson
Ken Pelton

Susan Johnson
Todd Hess
John LaHaye
Judy Stanger
Maxine Wallace
Ken Pelton


Our church activities are largely coordinated through various volunteer committees. These committees are made up of those who call this church their home and dedicate their time and talents to serving people both inside and outside our church community. Below the list of our committees that are currently active besides those that are already listed above.

  • Christian Formation (discipleship, Sunday School, bible studies, etc.) 
  • Missions
  • Music
  • Outreach
  • Flowers
  • Ushers
  • Nominating
  • Pastoral Relations
  • Old Timer's Fair

Interested in volunteering? Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch!