Get Up, Sleeper

Jun 9, 2024    Chris Green

Today’s message explores what it means that Christ is the light shining in the darkness, drawing from John 1 and Ephesians 5. We are reminded that just as our eyes adjust to physical darkness and light, we can become too comfortable with the spiritual darkness of sin in our lives. Christ calls out to us to awaken from this darkness and come into his marvelous light.

The message emphasizes that we cannot escape the darkness on our own; it is only through responding to Christ's call that we can leave behind the fruitless works of darkness and walk in the light of his presence. This call comes to us through God's Word, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. As we answer the call, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Christ, allowing him to be the source of our new life. We’re challenged to recognize Christ's call in our own lives, whether it comes as a gentle tug or an unsettling conviction, and to respond with faith and obedience.