A Life of Influence

Sep 22, 2024    Chris Green

In this powerful exploration of Psalm 1, we're challenged to consider what it truly means to live a blessed life and become people of genuine influence. The passage paints a vivid picture of two paths: one leading to spiritual sedentarism, and the other to a life deeply rooted in God's Word. We're reminded that the company we keep and the counsel we follow profoundly shape our spiritual journey. The psalm warns against walking in the counsel of the ungodly, standing in the way of sinners, and sitting in the seat of mockers - a sobering progression that can lead us away from God's best for our lives. Instead, we're encouraged to find our delight in God's law, meditating on it day and night. This isn't about following rules, but about immersing ourselves in God's vision for our lives and the world. As we do this, we become like trees planted by streams of water - stable, fruitful, and flourishing in all seasons. This imagery beautifully illustrates how a life centered on God's Word leads to true influence - not through worldly tactics, but through a vibrant, unshakeable faith that stands out in times of trouble and bears fruit that blesses others.