Secrets of the Sower: Fallow Ground

Jul 21, 2024    Chris Green

This message concludes a three-part series on the Parable of the Sower, focusing on how to respond when there's a gap between God's promises and our current experiences. The scriptures encourage us to "break up the fallow ground" by expanding our expectations and faith to align with God's promises, rather than settling for limited perspectives or explanations for why God's word isn't manifesting in our lives. Pastor Chris emphasizes the power of words and prayer in cultivating a harvest of faith and experiencing God's abundant promises.

Key Points:

- There is often a gap between God's promises and our current experiences

- We should not try to explain away this gap or place blame, but instead "break up the fallow ground"

- Breaking up fallow ground means stepping beyond our familiar boundaries and expectations

- We can plow to the edges of God's promises through our words and prayers

- God fulfills His promises by giving Himself, not just by sending detached blessings

- Our church is not limited by its size or location, but empowered by God's promises

Scripture Reference:

- Mark 4 (Parable of the Sower)

- Hosea 10:12 "Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord..."


- The story of the Brick Church in Etna discovering they owned more land than they thought, illustrating how we often live within limited expectations when God has given us more

- The poem by Lawrence Tribble about one person awakening others, used to illustrate the concept of revival

- The account of a church closing its doors permanently, contrasted with the promise of abundant harvest in the Parable of the Sower