Week of June 25, 2023

Moving Up the Road: Don’t forget: Next Sunday July 2nd, we gather at the Hanover Center Church at 6 Parade Ground Road in Etna*. Our services and Sunday Bible studies will be held there through July and August. There’ll be signage a-plenty to help you find your way!
* Don’t be fooled! If you use a “device” for directions, you’ll want to use “Etna” as the address for the Hanover Center church! Those of you (us) who’ve been in New England for a while (possibly generations) will not find this unusual, but it’s an important note to any folks who are new to the area and new to some of the unique aspects of navigation in northern New England!
Bible Study/Discussions continue for the summer! First, please note that there will be no Sunday morning Bible study this Sunday, June 25, 2023.
* BUT *
We’re pleased to announce that we will continue our Sunday morning Bible discussion this summer in Hanover Center! This summer, please join us as you’re able on Sunday mornings at the Hanover Center church from 9:00 – 9:45 am in the vestry for a study focusing on the book of Esther. We’ll begin on Sunday July 2, 2023. We hope to see you there!
Our Wednesday morning Bible discussions also continue at 10 am in Trumbull Hall! Please do note that Wednesday group will not meet on July 5, but will we resume on July 12.
We hope you’re able to join us for either or both of these opportunities to learn, share, and grow with Christian friends and fellow sojourners in our understanding of God’s Word and its role in our lives.
* Don’t be fooled! If you use a “device” for directions, you’ll want to use “Etna” as the address for the Hanover Center church! Those of you (us) who’ve been in New England for a while (possibly generations) will not find this unusual, but it’s an important note to any folks who are new to the area and new to some of the unique aspects of navigation in northern New England!
Bible Study/Discussions continue for the summer! First, please note that there will be no Sunday morning Bible study this Sunday, June 25, 2023.
* BUT *
We’re pleased to announce that we will continue our Sunday morning Bible discussion this summer in Hanover Center! This summer, please join us as you’re able on Sunday mornings at the Hanover Center church from 9:00 – 9:45 am in the vestry for a study focusing on the book of Esther. We’ll begin on Sunday July 2, 2023. We hope to see you there!
Our Wednesday morning Bible discussions also continue at 10 am in Trumbull Hall! Please do note that Wednesday group will not meet on July 5, but will we resume on July 12.
We hope you’re able to join us for either or both of these opportunities to learn, share, and grow with Christian friends and fellow sojourners in our understanding of God’s Word and its role in our lives.

LISTEN dinner: Laurie Wadsworth reports that our congregation’s team is indeed “ON” to work and serve at the LISTEN dinner on July 3. Even though it’s a holiday weekend, hungry people still need to be fed! Please contact Laurie Wadsworth if you can help that day. There are two shifts: 2:30-4:30 pm and 4-6 pm.

Thank you (again) Rev. Dale Edwards! Our yoked churches sent a retirement card and gift to Rev. Edwards last week in recognition of his guest sermon on June 11 and, of course, in honor of his retirement this summer. The Deacons received this note from him in reply:
I received your card and gift, and I am blown away. Thank you. I am humble and lost for words. Thank you and the church family for such affirmation.
In Jesus’ name,
… and we thank you Dale! We pray for a heapin’ helpin’ of God’s blessings on you and your family as you begin the next phase of your life and ministry.
Old Timers’ Fair 2023: The Old Timers’ Fair in Hanover Center is THIS WEEKEND! The Fair returns at 5-9 pm Friday, June 23, and 9 am to 2 pm Saturday, June 24. On Friday, enjoy a White Elephant sale, a book sale, chicken barbecue dinner (at 5:30), and a concert by Brooks Hubbard from 6 to 9 pm. On Saturday, the white elephant, book, and bake sales continue, plus there will be an auction, and hamburgers, hot dogs, beverages and other goodies for sale.
You can visit us on Facebook! … or, click here to open the Fair poster PDF.
I received your card and gift, and I am blown away. Thank you. I am humble and lost for words. Thank you and the church family for such affirmation.
In Jesus’ name,
… and we thank you Dale! We pray for a heapin’ helpin’ of God’s blessings on you and your family as you begin the next phase of your life and ministry.
Old Timers’ Fair 2023: The Old Timers’ Fair in Hanover Center is THIS WEEKEND! The Fair returns at 5-9 pm Friday, June 23, and 9 am to 2 pm Saturday, June 24. On Friday, enjoy a White Elephant sale, a book sale, chicken barbecue dinner (at 5:30), and a concert by Brooks Hubbard from 6 to 9 pm. On Saturday, the white elephant, book, and bake sales continue, plus there will be an auction, and hamburgers, hot dogs, beverages and other goodies for sale.
You can visit us on Facebook! … or, click here to open the Fair poster PDF.

Missions Committee update: We have received the monthly update from the Southerlands. The committee reports: “Things are looking bright for Tim and Marketa. A lovely new granddaughter and a burgeoning ministry!”
You may read the June update from the Southerlands by clicking here.
You may read the June update from the Southerlands by clicking here.

Posted in Weekly Updates
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