Week of August 4, 2024

Summer -- in Hanover Center!  Just a reminder that our our Sunday morning services for the months of July and August are held ca. 2 miles up the road at the beautiful Hanover Center church!  Our summer services start, as usual, at 10 am.  
Communion: We will be celebrating Communion in our 10 am Sunday worship service this week. If you livestream with us, you should have a cracker or a piece of bread and a small cup (sip) of juice or other drink available if you would like to join us in this celebration.
We thank Rev. Heidi Hoskin for leading our worship this Sunday. 
Mission Committee Update:  Carrie Pollock, Prayer Coordinator of CRU Military's ministry team, has shared their latest impact publication, describing the work of The Lord through their ministry. Simply click on the following link to read it:
 The BIG Auction is a week away!
Saturday, August 10 starting at noon until sold out
Under the tent on the Etna Baptist Church lawn
195 Etna Road, Etna, NH
Food will be available for sale!
Cash or check only!

Please consider making donations of furniture, collectibles, artwork, and tools. For drop-off details, contact Susan Johnson.
Albert Roberts, Auctioneer, #2802
Sponsored by the Etna Ladies Aid Society.
Proceeds to benefit the Upper Valley community and service organizations.
Thank you for your support!
Summer Bible Discussions: Our Sunday morning Bible study will not meet this Sunday August 4. We'll resume on Sunday August 11, when we will read and discuss 1 Timothy Chapter 5.

Also please note that our Wednesday morning Bible discussion group will not meet on August 7 or on August 14.

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