Week of August 20, 2023

Thank you: Our sincere thanks to Eric Wadsworth for his sermon The Sower Sows [Part 3B] on Sunday morning August 13 . You can view Eric's sermon by clicking here. Our apologies to viewers and to Eric for bandwidth "issues" Sunday morning that led to some video quality issues for Zoom video. Special thanks to Marjorie Rose for her above and beyond the call efforts to tidy up the damaged video for publication.
Missions Committee Update: The latest update from missionaries Tim and Marketa Southerland is now available. You can read it by clicking here.
The Committee also shares this update: "Lieutenant R" is now Captain R! Congratulations to him on his promotion. He continues to serve in a very active zone in a position of significant authority and responsibility. He appreciates our support and thanks us in advance for our prayers for him, his family and his compatriots as the war continues.
The Committee also shares this update: "Lieutenant R" is now Captain R! Congratulations to him on his promotion. He continues to serve in a very active zone in a position of significant authority and responsibility. He appreciates our support and thanks us in advance for our prayers for him, his family and his compatriots as the war continues.
SUNDAY MORNING REFRESHMENT SIGN-UP: Have you ever wondered how the refreshments appear for the coffee hour after worship? It’s done by members of the congregation who have signed up to host the refreshment hour. If you would like to host, please sign up on the form on the bulletin board in Etna between the sanctuary and Trumbull Hall. The refreshments can be almost anything: cake, cookies, cheese and crackers, veggies, fruit, muffins, brownies. Plan on refreshments for about 75 people. The church provides the coffee and juice. Thank you!
Bible Study Schedule: Our Sunday morning Bible discussion group continues to meet at 9 am every Sunday morning in the vestry at the Hanover Center church to discuss the Old Testament book of Esther.
Our Wednesday morning Bible study meets at 10 am on Wednesday mornings in Trumbull Hall at the Etna church. Wednesday morning's discussions are based on the previous Sunday morning's sermon.
In both cases, we offer snacks, coffee, and scintillating discussion. Please join us if you can!
Our Wednesday morning Bible study meets at 10 am on Wednesday mornings in Trumbull Hall at the Etna church. Wednesday morning's discussions are based on the previous Sunday morning's sermon.
In both cases, we offer snacks, coffee, and scintillating discussion. Please join us if you can!
Goings On at and Around Church: Important Dates
Here's a list of important activities and dates that are on the horizon even now. As always, you can also check the church calendar for goings-on.
Here's a list of important activities and dates that are on the horizon even now. As always, you can also check the church calendar for goings-on.
- Sunday August 20 @11:30 am - Back to School Bash @ Etna church (kids and teens 5 - 18 years old) SEE BELOW for more information!
- Sunday September 3 - Sunday morning services return to the First Baptist Church of Etna (195 Etna Road)
- Tuesday September 12 @ 6 pm - Launch of The Alpha Course (more info will be coming)
- Fall Fest Saturday Oct 14
- Vision Weekend - October 20-22
- Joyful Bells Christmas Concert - Dec 10 @ 1:30 pm

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