Week of October 6, 2024

Then [Jesus] said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures - Luke 24:44-45 (ESV)

Baptism Sundays: This past Sunday we celebrated the baptism of Chris Patch. On October 27 we will celebrate three more baptisms in our Sunday morning service! God is moving and acting in minds and hearts in the Upper Valley! If you are interested in finding out more about baptism (or even if you just have some questions) speak to or email Pastor Chris
Bible Project:   Your response to our project to provide study Bibles (NLT version) to all who desire one has continued to be overwhelming! We have literally overhwelmed the resources of Christian Book Distributors, but more study Bibles will be coming soon.   God is great, indeed!  We do still have some copies "in stock" and are happy to pass one along to anyone who wants one.  This is an exciting and (we think) unique adjunct to our ministry. More study Bibles will be on the way to us soon. Contact Pastor Chris if you have questions – or if you'd like a study  Bible.  We'll continue to accept with gratitude contributions to fund the purchase of additional copies. Please designate your gift to go to the "Bible Project".
Alpha is back: A new session of Alpha has begun! Curious about spirituality, faith, and the big questions of life? Alpha is meant for you! Join us Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Etna or online at 7 pm. All are welcome; share this invitation with your friends, no matter where they be.  Click here for more information and to register.
Mission Committee Update:  Mark Your Calendars! On Sunday, 20 October, Cru Military – one of our longest supported ministries – will be visiting us to discuss their ministry to United States military forces and to those in over 30 countries worldwide. Our visitors will include their National Directors, Col. (ret) Ron Rallis and his wife Sherry, Director of Ministry Advancement Teams, Daryl Dotshay, and our great friend, liaison and Prayer Coordinator, Carrie Pollack. Theirs is a wonderful story of Winning, Building, and Sending troops to serve Christ and country. There will be plenty of trademark Mission Committee pies for their presentation in Trumbull Hall. Come join us! 
Bible Discussions:  We currently offer two weekly opportunities to spend time with the Scriptures and with friends! On Wednesday mornings at 10 am in Trumbull Hall (Etna), join Pastor Chris for deep and lively discussions sparked by the previous Sunday's sermon.
On Sunday mornings at 9 am (also in Trumbull Hall), we're reading and discussing Hebrews. This week we'll be looking at Chapter 5.  
No previous experience required. Interesting and stimulating conversation is guaranteed. Both discussion series include coffee and time slot-appropriate snacks.  Reports are even circulating that both hot chocolate and pumpkin spice coffee Keurig pods are available for a limited time!   We look forward to seeing you at either or both!
Fall Etna Ladies Aid Rummage Sale Update: Etna Ladies Aid reports that the fall Rummage Sale was an immense success. Over $5100 were raised, providing funds to be shared with numerous organizations in the Upper Valley. Our sincere thanks and appreciation go to all who made the event possible, and of course also to all who came and bought!
Chicken Pie Supper: Planning for the annual Chicken Pie Supper in Hanover Center is underway! This year's supper will be Saturday, Oct 26, from 4:30 to 6 pm.  Again this year, the event will be take out. Reservations are a must - contact Elaine Hawthorne.

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