Week of March 17, 2024

The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Missions Committee: The Missions Committee received via Cru Military an update from Captain R. in Ukraine. We remember that he, his family, and those bearing up under the weight of the situation in Ukraine are, unchangingly, one with us. We exhort the congregation to keep them in the forefront of prayers—prayers for their safety, the Captain's return, family reunification and peace for Ukraine.

Joining Journeys: If you consider this church family your home church but haven’t yet made it official, you're invited to an upcoming information meeting on Sunday, March 24, right after the morning service. Pastor Chris would love to share with you the journey our church is on and what membership means, as well as answer any questions you might have.

Alpha 2024: Alpha is a night of eating and group discussion. We look at some of the big questions of life, the answers that the Christian faith gives to those questions, and then everyone is invited to share their own thoughts in a safe and judgement-free space. You're invited, no matter your background or beliefs. If you're asking, “Is this really for someone like me?” the answer is “yes!” It's completely free and there's no pressure to come back. Alpha meets in Trumbull Hall Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm. If you're still curious -- and we urge you to Stay Curious! -- please join us this week, even if you couldn't be there last week. We'd all love to see you at Alpha! Invite your friends, colleagues, and neighbors.

Spring Rummage Sale! The Spring Etna Ladies Aid Rummage Sale will be Friday, April 12, noon to 6:00 pm and Saturday, April 13, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in Trumbull Hall, Etna.
$5 a bag after 11:00 am on Saturday.
Donations of clean, seasonal clothing, jewelry, and small household items in good condition accepted at Trumbull Hall Tuesday to Thursday (4/9-4/11).
Please, no books, CDs, electronics, or exercise equipment.
All the funds raised are used to serve the community.
$5 a bag after 11:00 am on Saturday.
Donations of clean, seasonal clothing, jewelry, and small household items in good condition accepted at Trumbull Hall Tuesday to Thursday (4/9-4/11).
Please, no books, CDs, electronics, or exercise equipment.
All the funds raised are used to serve the community.

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