Week of December 22, 2024 - Week 4 of Advent

But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,
are only a small village among all the people of Judah.
Yet a ruler of Israel,
whose origins are in the distant past,
will come from you on my behalf.
The people of Israel will be abandoned to their enemies
until the woman in labor gives birth.
Then at last his fellow countrymen
will return from exile to their own land.
And he will stand to lead his flock with the Lord’s strength,
in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.
Then his people will live there undisturbed,
for he will be highly honored around the world.
And he will be the source of peace. – Micah 5:2-5a (NLT)
Missions Committee update - Showers of Grace: The comittee shares the latest extraordinary story from Showers of Grace. Morgan Tam describes Mrs. Tam's remarkable journey to China and her ministry, including a series of pictures that illustrate the latest impact of her having shared the Gospel. She defines the term "faithful servant" and then some!
To read Morgan's comments and see the photographs, please click here. It is a joy to support Showers of Grace and to see the impact God is having via their ministry.
To read Morgan's comments and see the photographs, please click here. It is a joy to support Showers of Grace and to see the impact God is having via their ministry.

Christmas Eve Service: As is our custom, on Christmas Eve we will gather for a service of carols and readings about the birth of our Savior. The service begins at 7 pm on Tuesday, December 24, and ends with each person lighting a candle until the sanctuary is filled with a soft, beautiful light. It’s a wonderful prelude to Christmas. We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening!

UPDATES: Advent is a busy season! We wanted to proivide updates on several recent activities.
Holiday Potluck Luncheon: Last Sunday's luncheon was a fabulous time for food and for holiday fellowship. A hearty thank you to all who participated!
We also used occasion to thank and to celebrate those who provide a healthy and nurturing Sunday morning Christian education ("Sunday School") for the growing number of children attending our worship services. We'll take this opportunity to echo last Sunday's shout-outs to Rebecca Green, Danielle Fedele, Donna Clark, and RayLynn Bradigan! Of course, we also took the opportunity to thank Pastor Chris, Rebecca, and family for their ministry and for all that they do.
All of the above-named folks are truly a blessing to our congregation, our community and region, and to the the Body of Christ in this world.
We also used occasion to thank and to celebrate those who provide a healthy and nurturing Sunday morning Christian education ("Sunday School") for the growing number of children attending our worship services. We'll take this opportunity to echo last Sunday's shout-outs to Rebecca Green, Danielle Fedele, Donna Clark, and RayLynn Bradigan! Of course, we also took the opportunity to thank Pastor Chris, Rebecca, and family for their ministry and for all that they do.
All of the above-named folks are truly a blessing to our congregation, our community and region, and to the the Body of Christ in this world.

Our First Annual Community Creche display was a great success! We hope you had the opportunity to spend some contemplative time in the sanctuary to view and to ponder. We also pray that visitors were truly touched by the Holy Spirit with new or deeper appreciation of the overwhelming love shown by our Creator God to give us His Son in the flesh to reconcile us, once and for all, with God.
Our sincere thanks and appreciation go to Laurie Wadsworth for spearheading the event, and to all those who exhibited creches, spent time in the sancturary, and helped to set up and clean up.
Our sincere thanks and appreciation go to Laurie Wadsworth for spearheading the event, and to all those who exhibited creches, spent time in the sancturary, and helped to set up and clean up.

First Annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Hanover Center: About forty brave and hearty people braved the cold last Saturday evening to attend our first Christmas Tree lighting in Hanover Center! Carols were sung, refreshments were enjoyed, and fine fellowship was enjoyed by all! By all accounts, the tree is gorgeous. My apologies that we don't have a photo to share. If you have one, please let us know!
If you find yourself in the vicinity of the Hanover Center church (6 Parade Ground Road, Hanover Center, NH) one evening, be sure to take a look!
If you find yourself in the vicinity of the Hanover Center church (6 Parade Ground Road, Hanover Center, NH) one evening, be sure to take a look!
Bible Discussions: Our Wednesday & Sunday morning Bible discussions are taking a break for Christmas. They'll both resume in early January 2025. Check our next weekly email for an update.

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