Week of August 13, 2023
When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things. By this time it was late in the day, so his disciples came to him. “This is a remote place,” they said, “and it’s already very late. Send the people away so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.”
But he answered, “You give them something to eat.”
Mark 6:34-37 (NIV) Emphasis added
But he answered, “You give them something to eat.”
Mark 6:34-37 (NIV) Emphasis added
Our heartfelt thanks to Heidi Hoskin for serving as our "guest" minister this past Sunday. Heidi's sermon Wonders on the Breadline may be watched by clicking here.
Missions Committee Update: Cru Military ministries have shared their second quarter 2023 Impact update with us. You may read the update in a "flipbook" format by clicking here. The committee notes in particular an article on Cru Military's assistance to a young Marine facing an unplanned pregnancy and another describing Cru Military's efforts to assist personnel facing medical discharge. Both articles exemplify so much of what Cru Military ministries do.
Bible Study Schedule: Our Sunday morning Bible discussion group continues to meet at 9 am every Sunday morning in the vestry at the Hanover Center church to discuss the Old Testament book of Esther.
Our Wednesday morning Bible study meets at 10 am on Wednesday mornings in Trumbull Hall at the Etna church. Wednesday morning's discussions are based on the previous Sunday morning's sermon.
In both cases, we offer snacks, coffee, and scintillating discussion. Please join us if you can!
Our Wednesday morning Bible study meets at 10 am on Wednesday mornings in Trumbull Hall at the Etna church. Wednesday morning's discussions are based on the previous Sunday morning's sermon.
In both cases, we offer snacks, coffee, and scintillating discussion. Please join us if you can!
Crafting Together: It’s August (already?!), so the time is approaching for the next monthly meeting of the crafters! This fellowship group meets this month on Monday August 14 at 1 pm in Trumbull Hall. Bring a craft and enjoy the company of others while you knit, sew, or pursue some other way of making things.

Goings On at and Around Church: Important Dates
Here's a list of important activities and dates that are on the horizon even now. As always, you can also check the church calendar for goings-on.
Here's a list of important activities and dates that are on the horizon even now. As always, you can also check the church calendar for goings-on.
- Sunday August 13 @ 12 pm - Baptism of Kalee Lloyd-Clare at Goose Pond (with apologies that I didn't have Kaylee's correct surname in this announcement until this week)
- Sunday August 20 @11:30 am - Back to School Bash @ Etna church (kids and teens 5 - 18 years old) SEE BELOW for more information!
- Tuesday September 12 @ 6 pm - Launch of The Alpha Course (more info will be coming)
- Fall Fest Saturday Oct 14
- Vision Weekend - October 20-22
- Joyful Bells Christmas Concert - Dec 10 @ 1:30 pm

Return to Etna/Autumn 2023: It's still a few weeks away, but the weather is starting to change and it will soon be time for us to move back down the road from Hanover Center to the Etna church for our Sunday morning services. We'll be back in Etna starting Sunday morning September 3, 2023. We promise that we won't let you forget!

Don't panic! The photo above is from October 2022.
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Thanks for shring