Week of February 2, 2025

Baptism(s)!  Two of them -- coming up next Sunday, Feb. 9.   Stay tuned for further information.  If you have questions about baptism, speak with Pastor Chris.
CPR Training last week: A big thank you to Kevin and Laura LaHaye for providing an excellent, informative overview of current hands-only CPR technique and also introducing the use of the church's AED (defibrillator).   By popular request, we'll be looking into providing CPR certification on site in Trumbull Hall in the near future.  Watch for updates when more information is available.
“Souper Sunday”:  PLEASE HELP our church family “S(o)uper Bowl" soup and crackers collection outreach project. We will be collecting soup and crackers for the Lebanon Food Pantry from Sunday, Feb. 2nd - Sunday Feb. 9th. There will be a table in Trumbull Hall for the items. Please help us share our Christian Love with others.  
Thank you, Norma

Look for the collection table sporting a soup can of unusual size in Trumbull Hall! - ed.
Annual Congregational Meetings:  Our churches' annual congregational meetings are fast approaching.  The First Baptist Church of Etna will hold its annual meeting after the Sunday morning service on March 2, 2025.  The Hanover Center Church will hold its annual meeting the following Sunday, March 9, 2025, also after the Sunday morning service.  All are welcome to attend either or both meetings, but only members of each congregation may vote in that congregation's meeting.  
Bible Studies:   We currently offer three Bible study/discussion opportunities!
Sunday mornings at 9 am, Trumbull Hall:  1 Peter (starts this week).
Wednesday mornings at 10 am, Trumbull Hall:  Bible Discussion with Pastor Chris focused on the previous week's sermon
Monday evenings:  Focused 1 Corinthians Bible Study group - see Pastor Chris if you're interested in participating.

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