Week of June 30, 2024

Celebration of Life Service - Charlie Seward:   Please join friends and family of Charlie Seward on Monday July 1 at 10:30 am at the Etna church as we gather to celebrate Charlie's life.
Summer -- in Hanover Center!  As noted above, we'll be moving two miles up the road to the beautiful and historic church in Hanover Center (6 Parade Ground Road) for the months of July and August.  Although summer is "ordinary time" in the parlance of some Christian denominations, there is nothing ordinary about our summers!  Worship in Hanover Center is stirring, fulfilling, and (editor's comment) even a bit relaxing!   Also, as Pastor Chris reminded us last week, the acoustics in the Hanover Center sanctuary make singing songs of praise there a special experience! Please join us.
Summer Bible Discussions:  Speaking of summertime -- we're pleased to note that both of our weekly Bible discussion series will continue this summer!   Join Pastor Chris and friends on Wednesday mornings at 10 am in Trumbul Hall in Etna (as usual) for lively and thought-provoking discussions of the text and topic of the previous Sundays sermon.

We'll also offer a weekly Bible discussion on Sunday mornings at 9 am in the hall adjacent to the sanctuary at the Hanover Center Church!  

In both cases, we can promise coffee, some snacks, fine company, and satisfying, Spirit-led discussions of God's Word as revealed through the Scriptures to us and still so relevant to our lives and relationships today.  

Please note that there is NO Bible discussion meeting this Sunday morning June 30 before church.  The Sunday morning discussions will resume on July 7.
Missions Committee Update - CU Vox:   We recently received an update from Timothy Pillsbury of Christian Union Vox, a campus ministry at Dartmouth College which we support and encourage.  Their activities are growing and thriving!  Please click here to read this update and we also ask you to consider prayerfully their requests for some resources to further their ministry.  
Hanover Center Old Timers’ Fair - It’s back! The full fair is back and it is happening this Saturday, June 29.  For those who are new to the neighborhood, this is a long-standing (more than 50 years), small-town fair that happens on the common in Hanover Center. There is food, an ox pull, games for kids, book sale, white elephant sale, and parade. The night will end with a special musical guest, Brooks Hubbard. For more information, visit https://www.oldtimersfair.com/.
Appearances to the contrary, your blog editor isn't actually obsessed with sunrises and sunsets (well...maybe a little... but only a little).  The long, balmy days of summer, chockablock with glorious sunrises and sunsets, bring to mind the words of Lamentations 3:22-24 (quoted here from the ESV):
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “therefore I will hope in him.

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