Week of August 6, 2023
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)
"Thank you" (plural): Thanks to Eric Wadsworth for helming our Sunday morning service on July 30. Thanks to John Wilson for delivering his excellent message, "Controlling the Future". Spoiler Alert: we can't! ;) If you didn't see it on Sunday, you can watch John's message online by clicking here.
Heidi Hoskin will be our minister this Sunday morning (August 6). We are grateful to these people and others in the congregation who are willing to serve, and we thank God for putting them in our midst!
Heidi Hoskin will be our minister this Sunday morning (August 6). We are grateful to these people and others in the congregation who are willing to serve, and we thank God for putting them in our midst!
Communion Sunday: We will be celebrating Communion in our 10 am Sunday worship service this week. If you join us via Zoom, you should have a cracker or a piece of bread and a small cup (sip) of juice or other drink available to join us in this celebration.
Bible Study Schedule: Our Sunday morning Bible discussion group continues to meet at 9 am every Sunday morning in the vestry at the Hanover Center church to discuss the Old Testament book of Esther. As always, we offer snacks, coffee, and scintillating discussion. Please join us if you can!
Our Wednesday morning Bible discussions will resume on Wednesday August 9 at 10 am in Trumbull Hall at the Etna church.
Our Wednesday morning Bible discussions will resume on Wednesday August 9 at 10 am in Trumbull Hall at the Etna church.
V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N: Pastor Chris and family will be back from their summer holidays on August 7. Please contact the church office with any matters that arise while he's away.
Crafting Together: It’s August (already?!), so the time is approaching for the next monthly meeting of the crafters! This fellowship group meets this month on Monday August 14 at 1 pm in Trumbull Hall. Bring a craft and enjoy the company of others while you knit, sew, or pursue some other way of making things.
Goings On at and Around Church: Important Dates
Here's a list of important activities and dates that are on the horizon even now. As always, you can also check the church calendar for goings-on.
Here's a list of important activities and dates that are on the horizon even now. As always, you can also check the church calendar for goings-on.
- Sunday August 13 @ 12 pm - Baptism of Kalee Shoup at Goose Pond
- Sunday August 20 @11:30 am - Back to School Bash @ Etna church (kids and teens 5 - 18 years old) SEE BELOW for more information!
- Tuesday September 12 @ 6 pm - Launch of The Alpha Course (more info will be coming)
- Fall Fest Saturday Oct 14
- Vision Weekend - October 20-22
- Joyful Bells Christmas Concert - Dec 10 @ 1:30 pm
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