Week of February 23, 2025

Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn’t talk to you as I would to spiritual people.  I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in Christ.  I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready,  for you are still controlled by your sinful nature. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn’t that prove you are controlled by your sinful nature? Aren’t you living like people of the world?... 
It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.  The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work.  For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building. - 1 Corinthians 3:1-3; 7-9 (NLT)

Missions Update: Cru Military  The Committee just received Cru Military's  End of year IMPACT 2024 Report.  You can read it at their website in flipbook form by clicking here.
This particular issue is truly outstanding!  It begins a celebration of Cru Military's 60th anniversary and details its beginnings, its philosophy, services to the military, and brief discussions of operations in each of its core missions (Win, Build, and Send).  The narrative is chock-full of stories by Cru Military staff, volunteers and service members from our nation's six uniformed services along with reports from Cru Military's International Ministry.
The evolution of its operations is extraordinary.  The transformative and healing power of Christ in the lives of our Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Guardians, and Coast Guard is nothing less than remarkable.The articles and stories are inspiring and remind us again that we are privileged to support and have such a close relationship with these extraordinary people.  Please take a look at your convenience!
Annual Congregational Meetings:  Our churches' annual congregational meetings are fast approaching.  The First Baptist Church of Etna will hold its annual meeting after the Sunday morning service on March 2, 2025.  The Hanover Center Church will hold its annual meeting the following Sunday, March 9, 2025, also after the Sunday morning service.  All are welcome to attend either or both meetings, but only members of each congregation may vote in that congregation's meeting.  
LISTEN dinners:  When Moses felt inadequate to lead his people out of Egypt, the Lord said to him, "What is that in your hand?" Moses was a shepherd at that time, so of course he had a staff in his hand. That simple piece of wood became a powerful tool in God's mighty hand as Moses did indeed lead his people out of slavery in Egypt and across the Red Sea.
What do YOU have in YOUR hand? Can you chop vegetables, brown meat in a pan, or scoop food onto plates with a smile? If so, you can join our team at the upcoming free dinner provided by LISTEN in WRJ on March 3!  We have two 1-1/2 hr. shifts and we'd love to have you join us. Contact Laurie Wadsworth for more details.
Save the date for a delicious Pulled Pork dinner – a fundraiser for Hanover Center!
Saturday March 22, 2025: serving starts at 5:00PM
Location: Trumbull Hall Etna NH
More information to come!

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