Week of November 5, 2023
"Fall Back" Daylight Saving Time this year ends very early in the morning on Sunday November 5th! While we realize that it is 2023 and most "devices" take care of the time change themselves, there are those of us who will want to remember to set our clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday night. There are two upsides: the first is an extra hour's worth of sleep Saturday night, and the second: if you forget to adjust your clock(s), you'll be at church Sunday morning in time for our ongoing Bible study on Matthew's Gospel! You simply can't go wrong, and we look forward to seeing you Sunday morning!
Communion Sunday: We will be celebrating Communion in our 10 am Sunday worship service this week. If you livestream with us, you should have a cracker or a piece of bread and a small cup (sip) of juice or other drink available to join us in this celebration.
Chicken Pie Supper update: The Chicken Pie supper was a resounding success. Pastor Chris reported last Sunday morning that net proceeds from the supper, organized by the Hanover Center Community Fellowship group, were over $3200 (note corrected amount due to transcription error). Thanks to everyone who participated!
Missions Committee Update: After the service on, November 12 the Missions Committee will host a presentation by Morgan Tam of Showers of Grace. Morgan will join us virtually in Trumbull Hall to tell us about a mission visit to Yunnan Province this past June. It was a remarkable journey that illustrates perfectly Showers of Grace's ministry to remote areas of China and how faith survives in the midst of repression. You will be moved and inspired.
Madeline Flores Update: The committee also has received a recent update from missionary Madeline Flores. She has been struggling since late summer with COVID and related maladies and is still receiving treatment. She also encouraged us all to pray for her ministry in the Dominican Republic. We ask you all to plese keep Madeline and her mission in your prayers.
Madeline Flores Update: The committee also has received a recent update from missionary Madeline Flores. She has been struggling since late summer with COVID and related maladies and is still receiving treatment. She also encouraged us all to pray for her ministry in the Dominican Republic. We ask you all to plese keep Madeline and her mission in your prayers.
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